Saturday, October 9, 2010

I guess you've noticed...

I don't get many picture from that gun toting son of mine. So, I hope I don't bore you with my lack of visuals.
Macade is good. They postponed his trip off the base for a bit. Wondering if it's cause they can't get any darn fuel. He had a lot to talk to me about the other day. i was at work and had to keep it short, but here are some of the things we talked about.
One of his favorite Sgt's over there is coming home with a broken leg. He is pretty sad about it and I am too. I am pretty sure this guy watches over Cade like a hawk. Anyway, it seems he fell off of a truck and is now being shipped to Germany to recover and maybe home.
Cade talked about getting a full time job out at Camp Williams when he gets home. That would be nice. He would be teaching in Pre-mobilization classes. He also talked a bit about reclassifying at a true Sapper combat engineer. He is working as a mechanic attached to the engineers right now. He hates being stuck in the shop (motorpool) all day. I think he talks his way into as many missions as possible. Crazy kid!
He talked about how excited he is to come home and see everyone in January. I can't wait!
He wanted me, as usual, to tell everyone that he loves them and hopes they are all well.
he sounds like he is really trying think through how things will go when he gets home. It will be a big change for all of us, but I will be very grateful to have him safely home.

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