Friday, January 16, 2009

He's really going!

It's official! He is leaving early! A lot earlier than we had planned! His original date was June 2nd and now it's, get ready... Feb 10th!!! We are now in hyper planning mode. We need to celebrate several things before he leaves. He will be turning 18 at his first week of boot camp. He also graduated from High School this past week!

We are so proud of Cade and his accomplishments and are excited to send him off to the next chapter in his life.

This blog is meant to keep his family and friends posted of the happenings in his life over the next 6 years.

We found out he would be leaving early just yesterday and today was spent getting his high school stuff figured out. They want to be sure he will get a diploma. He is still working at Old Navy and plans to until he leaves. He will only get to go to one weekend drill with the Guard before he leaves. They will also be filling us in on all the details of what we need to do to "ship" him. (Sounds like mailing a kid.) That will be the weekend of the 24th of January.

We are not sure yet if his training places have been changed but we should know by Monday. Until then, we plan on him going to Oklahoma to basic training and then onto South Carolina for his individual training. His MOS in the Army will be 63 Bravo. That's the fancy way they say light wheel mechanic.

Macade will spend about 6 months in training and then come home and get ready for whatever they need him to do. We have been informed that the chance he will go to Iraq or Afghanistan is great, but he will be prepared.

We are not fearful, but very proud of his decision to serve our country. We know the risks and feel confident that he will be trained well. We realize that the world is a dangerous place right now and we are grateful for all of our troops!

Thanks for your interest in Macade and I will try very hard to keep this blog up to date for those of you willing to check in on our hero!



  1. Holy Cow! Good luck Macade. And whatever I can do to help Becky, I'm here.

  2. Love the blog. Be sure to have Maryam add it as a link off our creatingmoorememories blog.

    Macade the young adult will soon become a strong and dedicated man's man. We love you Macade. Grandma and Grandpa Moore
