Friday, April 24, 2009

The Countdown is on!

So, it actually has been since the day he left, but we are really down to 5 days now!!! So excited to go to Missouri and see our soldier! He called again last night and says they are just preparing to graduate now. He is so excited to be done and you can hear in his voice that he is really proud of what he has accomplished. I don't know if he will be honor grad but they are awarding him with a special badge to wear on his uniform that he gets for being the highest in his class in physical training. OF COURSE, they are giving it to him before we can make it there to watch! Why is the Army so on top of things?!! Anyway, he is excited to get on to SC where the whole coast is on fire and heading into hurricaine season. (That's the mom in me.) He just wants his ipod and camera and the new phone I bought him.
Can't wait to see him!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

One small step for me...

One GIANT step for Macade!!!
I got a pic! It's just one and was sent from a camera phone, but it was manna from heaven for me. Look at his chubby little cheeks!!!
He got an off-post pass this morning and RAN all the way to the PX. He and his buddies loaded up on Red Bulls and Reeses peanut butter cups. Just as he was chowing down some Drill Seargents walked in and he swore into the phone. But in the end, the DS's just told them to not bring any of that !@#$ back to the barracks.
He is so happy this morning! He is a Squad Leader now and he just couldn't be happier.
And I am pretty darn happy too!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Expert Grenade Thrower

I couldn't be prouder. I think it is a good thing that Cade qualified an expert with Grenades. All that baseball must have paid off eh? He is getting so excited to be done at Fort Leonard Wood. He has excelled and now he is ready to move on. Still at the top of his class. In fact, he scored a 297 out of a possible 300 on his physical training. He gets his phone now on Sundays so he has been able to call a few times. He decided on a whim to check out the Gospel Church on Sunday. He says he doesn't think he'll go back again but it sure did give him a good laugh. He loved that they play the piano and drums during the prayer.
What a kid?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

It finally happened...

Macade is homesick! I thought it might happen but now that we are so close to the finish I guess it took me by surprise. Macade has been able to call home a lot more lately as some of you know. I don't know if this is such a good thing for him. He even told me that after he talks to everyone he gets a little homesick. So today, he called 3 different times. He supposedly is in what they call blue phase now and this means they get more privileges and are punished for their own issues, not everyone elses. So, the first time I talked to him he was pretty up beat. Excited to be in blue phase and doing so well. The next time, he is swearing mad because someone went into the DS's latrine and they would all get in trouble for it. He told me this one DS in particular is all ego. He tells them he will destroy them and what not. OK, who said this was OK? It takes me all the way back to when Macade would get picked on in grade school. I want to go get my face up in his DS's and ask him if his mama taught him anything. "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all", right? Something tells me this wouldn't do either of us any good. Anyway, if there was ever a time that Cade needs some good upbeat mail, it's time!!! He is doing so good and I keep reminding him of how close he is to finishing and how bad he wants to be honor grad. I tell him they are just messing with him and to just Embrace the Suck! Anyhow, if anyone needs his address, let me know. I'm so sure he would welcome a good letter of encouragement.
Thanks again,
PS Some good prayers for him couldn't hurt either. Thanks